Monday, September 26, 2005
yesterday went for life run...pretty shiok...! was at pasir ris park...had a solid mac breakfast before going for the 5km run.not bad lahz,managed to run pretty fast despite feeling like vomitting and enduring the fatigue from the previous day's run with biathelets...aft the run i stayed behind to wait for the Gen Acts people to come to prepare for the camp.
basically had fun with those boys's the account for my NYAA journal on the program yesterday:
During the games,I realised that the boys in my group were rather unique in their own ways.Each and every individual allows me to actually group them according to their own personal character.Cai Tian is one that actually very vocal and violent for his evil side,but when his good,he actually can forget about Jeramiah being his “enemy” and work together with him to help our team score points for the games.I’ve noticed that prakash is also another big boy that looks after one another,his one of those boys that creates a deep impression in my memory even though his one of the new boys.He makes the effort to go around and mingle with the volunteers and his super helpful.He always volunteers to help carry stuff with a smile.His one of the boys that can control his temper very well unlike most of the boys.Well,I couldn’t see any faults in him still but I hope I won’t find any.As for Augustine,another new boy,he can be very sensible at times knowing what are his limits but again,sometimes when being provoked,he will react out of his limits and needs someone around to remind him to keep his cool.His also one of those boys that’s easier to manage and he shows a sense of belonging by showing that he can contribute to the team when we were playing some games.As for Jeramiah,his one of those kind of boys that loves to be in his own world.He needs people to be abit harsh towards him in order to absorb the instructions given to him.The good thing about him is that his one of those very few people that doesn’t fight back physically when someone actually initiates a fight.It can be seen from the various occasions that Cai Tian keeps beating him for no rhythm or reason without him fighting back except for a few exchange of vulgarities.Though not fighting back is good so as to keep matters small,it also creates an indirect implication that his easy to bully and stuff.Sometimes,Jeramiah really gets on my nerves for the simple reason that he doesn’t listen to instructions.But then,sometimes he really makes me feel that he needs the protection from volunteers like us against the rest of the boys that very negative towards him.
There was this instance whereby these 2 boys from the 2 different teams started fighting.Immediately,I went and dragged Wei Cong away to stop the fight.It all started with some nasty exchange of words that escalated to a fight.Even while Wei Cong and the other new boy was being dragged away from one another,they were still very eager to verbally abuse one another.I manage to calm wei cong down before the home’s person in charge manage to see what had happened.I reckon that it would be diastrous if the uncle actually saw what had happened.After which was the BBQ dinner and the boys had to start the fire and bbq the food.And as usual,boys are boys.There was this group of young girls having a picnic near our bbq pits and they started going over to “disturb” them.As they were fooling around,the other volunteers were busy interacting with one another while I was sitting and watching everything happen.I wonder if there’s really something wrong with my communication skills or if im just that tire.As for now,I hope I could really improve on my communications skills rather than to wait for something to actually happen.After the bbq,its finally time for the boys to leave.Just before they left,all the boys went around to thank the volunteers for the event.At that very moment,I was touched by their sincerity even from the naughtiest boy.I was especially touched and reaffirmed that my efforts were recognised when Wei Cong came over and thank me for helping out for the program and for stopping him from fighting with the other boy earlier that day.He said that if I did not pull him away and he continued with his nonesense,he might not be able to go for his home leave that very day after the program.From his words,I could really sense that his grateful and its glad to know that he could think sensibly while what happened earlier was just a rash act.For this,I believed that my efforts have been recognised and it really spurs me on to continue to help them out and to befriend them. very loh soh juz part of it is enugh i guess...ahah
anywayz,crazy ideas coming in from odac peeps liaoz!cycling to thailand?ahaha...amazing shit...but maybe to KL first loh...gotta work out with the guys man.but still planning to go for diving on my part!
oh yah,missed my beach day yesterday due to the camp!gotta make up for it asap sia!im wondering if i will get into trouble for asking for an excuse from my PS for the coming BGM this sunday!hope he wont screw mi up man!really scare...haha...
♥Oh, so vintage... 2:31 AM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
hoho...went momo yesterday and the place is pretty cool~!nice ambience and super crowded!met up with quite a few frenz there w/o the intention!managed to get in the club before many others which queue like crazy!!!other than that,left early with the intention to go K box with plt mates this morning!but then,when i woke up i suffered a bad throat and so i did not attend the K sessioN!so met up with shawn to play pool instead!not bad...quite fun..haven been playing for quite some time liaoz...aft which went to mos burger for a short chat session!!!left mos for home in order to go jogging!this time round,i've managed to jog the entire bishan park 2 rounds man!with one of the rounds chasing aft this two biathelets!!!not bad lahz,at least i managed to keep up with them for 1 full round round the park!!!tml still got life run and im having my ALIVE camp excited!come to think of it,i've forgotten quite a no of the guys' name man!jialat...tml muz practice the act of deception liaOZ!!!
♥Oh, so vintage... 10:33 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
im back!have been rather busy with quite a couple of matters at hand!finally this sat is my ALIVE program first "camp" excited though im not really briefed on what is really going on!all i know is that i will have take up the role as dark vader for one of the skits!!!haha...hope it will be fun on that day!actually i don't really know whose dark vader in the first place cause i don't even catch Star Wars can?hahaha....but will see how then!anywayz,on that particular saturday im also having my unit's life run activity at the same park we are planning our activities for the ALIVE i wont have to be rushing here and there,thank god!
recently im kinda more enthu liaoz...can go jogging all alone for long periods man!i find that im beginning to be able to go faster for longer periods....feeling shiok...hahaa...but then,main idea is to get my arse to the gym to tone my body lolz!!!hahaha...
as for SPDS...hmmm,it isn't a really a bad thing not to be an instructor lah,i cannot imagine the fact that if im one and i will stand out from the rest of my batch mates and "instruct" them to do stuff and "punish" them when requireD!!!its kinda not the kind of ME that i wan!and its definitely very very weird to be so call segregrate from the rest!but then again,being an instructor brings abt their own set of privileges...btw...who am i to actually hav a say in whether im gonna be one man...*thinking too much*....but i do hate the fact that we're going SAFTI for another performance!!!damn sian...and dunno if it will clash with my OFF day man!arghz...damn it!!!
as for my classmates!!!pls pls pls make the effort to keep in contact kZ!!!u guys are great and i dun wanna lose u guys!esp those t20 arses(always busy with their commitments)!!!!how CAN???hahaha....anywayz,maybe someday before the yr end we shall meet up for mayb say buffet or a BBQ somewhere man!!!GET TOGETHER pls...hahaha,but im not realli afraid cos i've been trying to keep in contact with u guys lahz,but i hope this thing can be kinda 2 sided rather than 1 sideD!!!hahaha...*get my HINT*hahaha
the next thing that's gonna keep mi busy will be the BGM for the PAYM YEC on 2nd oct man...hope i will juz get in lah!no need so mafan one lol...hopefully all those i noe will juz get in without any problems!!!but then,there muz be one that's being voted out pray hard...
ODAC peeps!i wanna go holiday with u it some crazy cycling trip,diving,go island hop etc...pls pls pls...lets juz come up with something that cost mi 7 days of leave man!Also,i dun mind ppl other than odac personnels that hav any holiday ideas to jio mi along!!!im so desperate to leave this country!!!!hahahaha.....
♥Oh, so vintage... 12:32 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
hoho...i seriously think im less tolerant to the sun nowadays...for 2 consecutive weeks at sentosa,both occasions also come home like a lobster...hahaha...unlike the good old days in odac man!anywayz,yupz,went sentosa today and with sore muscles due to the inhumane training in the gym by alvin!!!ahaha...then tot of going beach to relac onli since i cant stretch my arms straight fully!but then again...was so tempted to play and the aches juz went out of my mind!played quite a no of games today!and not bad lahz,managed to win abt 6 consecutive matches...*so proud*....i think the gym training kinda help abit sia...feel that my wrist kinda stronger now!but still need trainin lahz...hahaha.....
anywayz,juz saw the news regarding the posting of racist remarks...its so lame can...wonderfully lame...nowadays racist remarks dun even hav a definite boundary to distinguish it as a racist remark or juz facTS?aahha...wat's wrong with all that postings...its juz a personal view and it will not realli affect others if the readers themselves aint racist in the first place!anywayz,the freedom of speech is really pointless when ppl cant speak their mind freely...being a racial harmonious country doesn't necessarily mean that we hav to accept and love one another but rather i believe we are juz more tolerant and busy with our work to actualli do any stupid and uneconomical stuff...i wonder if this post will realli get mi into trouble but then its juz my opinion on wat's going sure there aint any racist comments for this post bah...better watch out guys!so sick and tire....
♥Oh, so vintage... 12:40 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
backz...nothing much realli happened except the fact that some of my batch mates promoted to instructors!!!feel happy for them...but at the same time,kinda low morale that im not gonna get to wear a jockey cap!!!not that im dying to,but its the kinda of feeling like why some body hav i dun hav type of thing...but hope time will juz make mi feel better...i repeat myself...its not that i wanna be a instructor but its more of like the type of how come got ppl like that but i still like that...haha...*contradicting?*
realli got lotsa duties now outside got more a sense,my life is getting abit more colorful in a sense!but yet to see the kinda results i wan!or mayb there's juz something lacking...hope i'll juz survive this mth man!and hope we will get new trainees soon!!!and wanna wish my laojiaos all the best cos they're going to ord quite soon!and my service balance is like 261days!!!ahaha...soon lahz...
im so into my Princess Kelly nowadays...its definitely more than her physical attraction even though not realli lah...the peeps in the fan club is very interesting and friendly ppl...looking forward to seeing those guys again...
think of is the 4th 911 anniversary liaoz...the day that shook the world...though things are getting better,the element of uncertainty and those terrorists attacks is still ongoing...seriously think those arses hav nothing better to do and act in the name of god to bring harm to ppl in order to achieve their aims...selfish bunch of bastards...u guys wont be forgiven by god man...that's juz all ur wishful thinkings...hope the family of the victims have gotten over with it all and i pray for the well being of those that were sacrificed,that their soul will be peaceful and hope they are fine in their world of their own...
went for ahm today but kinda completely smoke out in a sense...freaking crowded plus the fact that no properly instructions were our PC allowed us to start off running from our gathering point and we are suppose to run towards our respective ending points namely the bus stop,mrt station,macdonalds,suntec city....all but the exact competition end point!we are suppose to plan our own route man!ahaha....3 cheers for my PC!!!
♥Oh, so vintage... 11:13 AM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
why isit so that NUS students(majority) keeps thinking that they're of a higher grade or so call premium students as compare to NTU???i juz had this encounter with this NUS chemical engine student who actualli said some stuff that makes mi being a future ntu engine student felt kinda irritated!he mentioned that ntu more slack and stuff...which is totally not true man!yes...i agree most ppl might be busy with hostel life as compared to nus but that doesn't mean that ntu is slack can?mayb they juz forgot the point that NUS is a all round university in which they provide watever faculty that's needed of a uni bah...and being NTU,its juz a technological uni!!!pls dun think that NUS overall ranking proves that its better...its juz becos NTU dun hav a all round thingy implemented in their campus!juz cant stand that arrogance in them when they simply pass off comments saying ntu engine lousy,students slack...blah blah this point in time,the person muz be so blinded by the branding of the school that makes him feel that he will be like hotcakes aft he graduates...hello...pls lolz...go and ask ppl from that industry...or rather engineering as a whole!i shall not say much abt that but pls wake up from ur dream that NUS is always better than NTU...i may hav interpreted the posting wrongly...but that's generally how i feel!and esp when u're in engine!!! pls...WAKE UP!
♥Oh, so vintage... 11:07 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
haven been blogging for quite some time man...its getting rusty man!anywayz,have been super involved in the project superstar thingy!hahaha...u guys muz be laughing ur hearts out rite now...but still,i believe in following my heart lolz!Im a great Kelly supporter!the first time i actualli notice her was during the revival round and her song touched my heart man!then,it was the first time i actualli voted on such programs hoping to help kelly get back into the comp!!!indeed she managed to make a comeback!!!super happy...first time being such a great fan of somebody!from then,kept voting for her for every show till the Grand finals!kinda disappointed that she lost the grand champion title but then,was prepared for it already cos i expected it to happen!anywayz,im so hardcore that i even joined her fan club man(in hope of getting tix to the final but it din happen)...watever the case,im still very much into kelly cos i realli love her voice man!!!anywayz,lotsa negative media attention on both weilian and kelly...saying this unfair that unfair...realli hope ppl will juz get over with the comp and those comparisons~!anywayz,im juz waiting for all the top 2 male and female contestants to cut their album so that i can support them!but most impt-ly is my dear kelly's albuM!!!hahaha...
anywayz,yesterday went for smu bash...not bad lah,the crowd pretty good!but the girls really bimbo shit sia...very irritating sometimes...impatient,loud,rude!!!super cannot make it...but they realli noe how to dress sia!met my senior there and junior also!haha.....anywayz,too bad my usual clique din manage to join mi!
then today went shopping and pool with kenneth!the levi's sale was pathetic...super messy and nothing...hahaha...then went shopping in town for reina's pressie at the same time,bought mooncake from taka square!very long nv go out with him liao sia...even though very tiring,we managed to catchup with one another at least noe how one another hav been doing man!
i've missed the beach day today and tml!tml got superstar replay!!!but too bad i got COG performance tml!hopefully some kind soul can record it for me...hopefully i wont screw up at the istana tml man!haven been doing and playing ard with mk IV for quite some time liaoz...wish mi all the best!
♥Oh, so vintage... 1:02 PM