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Thursday, May 31, 2007

there's only 2 types of people in my kind of world.

People who CARES and people who DOESN'T.

today i'm glad i realised whose the who really cares.well...i'll take the advice soon and do what's required of me.Just give me a little time.im damn shag now but shall just not sleep cause i'm going for dry run later.

saw something disgusting and disappointing in a sense.i'm a little affected but then,glad they didn't really saw it.haha.i shall just be a walking zombie tml with all that images in my head to keep me WIDE awake.

feeling abit guilty right here but then,well,i'll promised i give my best from next week on.FOR THE FINAL WEEK!!!

*there or not there?*

♥Oh, so vintage... 4:41 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

haven been blogging for the past few days.no time and no pics to enhance the bloggin experience.so just a rough update of wat's happening.helped out at bike rally over the weekend,work and more work plus meetings in sch.kinda cheated to work but then it was a easy assignment.dry run preparations ongoing and have to go down and whack the area one more time and finalised more stuff.i cant wait to try the elements.will have a dedicated bike rally post soon.

*now i really begin to wonder...why do i always keep my schedules super packED???*

♥Oh, so vintage... 10:23 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2007

trail @ esplanade today again.i seriously cant stand the look on veron's face and it seems to me that all veron's that i know of all have the 'come beat me' face.they always give me that look as if i owe them millions of dollars.anywayz,i really gotta thank her for calling at 1115 to inform me i have to reach the sch @ 12 when the online system states 1230.and so i just take my own sweet time to go down and i cant believe lionel told me that she was late!!!

the P1s were damn innocent and naive.playful ones were around and those super deh ones also.super cute and adorable!!!but i almost died vomitting blood.imagine urself having to repeat F-I-S-H more than 15 times before some can finally write down FISH on their booklet.it was worse when i had to spell our PRINCE SANG NILA UTAMA and some other words to go along with it.they were noisy in the library and i was so afraid i couldn't handle such that i just brought them out of the library.

puRrRRrrrrRR back home immediately after the trail to grab my attire and flew down to CCAB to meet ms smith and the other teachers to play indoor vball.there were 2 japanese and its been a long long while since i heard such kawaiiii japanese language!!!it was fun though it was really challenging.but it really trains my basics again which i think im still pretty poor at.after that 3 hours of vball,i finally realised the need to see the sinseh.my toes are killing me once again!arghx...

diana:thx for the VODKA!!!i'll meet ya next week and bring u my diving fotos!!!hahaha.steady...

lai:thx for the concern.too bad u couldn't help me with the recording!!hahaha.but well,we shall meet up soon.i promise!!!

jh:thx for helping me record the match.really appreciate it alot.

*i'm dying my hair once again.i'm so looking forward to the effect and i hope it turns out good man!wont be able to come home to blog for 2 days i believe due to Bike Rally.even before it starts,i've already so much that i wanna say about it.please please,everything goes smoothly kz...i cant wait to catch up with my co tml...

-zonk out....baa baa black sheep have u any wool???-

♥Oh, so vintage... 12:23 AM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

as the title suggest,JB trip was postponed.some stuff happened and im glad i didn't go ahead with it.yea...im glad u turned to me though i can't really help much except provide a listening year and company.thanks for the trust and i appreciate it.went for pool session with fang and alvan and it was quite fun.i didn't really lose any games throughout the 2.5hrs except ard 4racks.went to check out my olympus camera also but i didn't really get to see another model that im interested in.the SP550 cost 849!!!and i think the 780 might be ard 700+ and the underwater housing is not included yet.so my new setup might cost me well over 1k.shall start saving up and working for it so that i can get it before my next dive trip.

random thoughts of the day:

diana:i'm happy for you that you've got ur dream posting.work hard yeah...need any help from seniors over there i do know quite afew from FASS.jiayou...

benjamin:no need stress one lahz!MP damn relac liao and i seriously cant tell you how the new system will affect you guys.all i can say is i would definitely love ur new system now since you get to do drills and get to go raid camps.for mi i only get to chose 1!!!so bear with it and it will soon be history!!!

whoever:i seriously hate the feeling of putting so much effort into planning something or assisting but end up the response is like shit.i really feel f-up because of that but well...who cares?and i hate people that demand immediate response from me when you yourself dun respond to me immediately.just f off and die...i shall not be nice and i dun owe anyone a living ehz!!!

-come to think of it,holidays will be over very soon!especially those hardcore arse going for multiple FOC camps.suddenly have this urge to go back to doing camps cos i wont have to stay home and get to have fun and earn some money for my new camera.Should i or should i not?if i do...i'll be a no life bastard and i do plan to do back to back camps if possible!perhaps i should give andrew a call tml...hahaha...

-i admire you for ur courage and ur high levelness.thx for the guidance and someday i hope i'll be somewhere there.thx alot!!!

-anyone interested in getting into YEC ask mi abt it k?perhaps next sem i should focus more on YEC cos its probably the place whereby i really get to learn more stuff rather than giving too much attention to sch committee's busy helping to plan and giving inputs?its really taxing and i dun really get to learn as much as compared to facing more competitive and experience organisers?
when will i ever get this kinda peace...sitting there with the beauty of mother nature?
get splash by water flowin down the great falls

to dive and meet my mermaids and nemos???
i wish.i wish.

♥Oh, so vintage... 9:58 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

just some random thoughts.but have you ever questioned yourself?

i was kind of questioning myself today.Should i find a job that i'm really interested in and be happy about it or should i just find a job that pays well but i don't enjoy at all?right at this moment,i still can't really find the answer to this question myself.

yea...i should enjoy what im doing irregardless of pay and just be happy.but if you think of it,when you start to have a family to support and loans to pay off right after graduation,can i still be so selfish to go after my personal goals without sparing a thought for others?the first thing that i have to clear would be the 'father-mother' scholarship debt which i'll probably need 4 years.Besides,if i want to get a car after graduation,it will be worse.back to the point,i started comparing the jobs that i've been doing.

working as a sales promoter can be interesting when you get to meet all sorts of customers and you have to strategise to win them over.call it brain-wash or whatever but its the strategy that matters.im not those evil sales person that would resort to cheating to sell my products or rather i still give attention to those that didn't buy anything from me unlike most others.the only thing that i get is the satisfaction that customers have by telling me that i've served them well,i'm nice and stuff.yes...no doubt the pay matters cause its comission based and as i worked for a longer period,i find myself losing my stand.selling is all it matters now with the new comission base system.but my conscience is clear cause im selling a good product though its abit overpriced.i recommend them high quality models which is more pricey and i get more comission but the good thing is they're payiing for the quality.

but when i started workin as a trail facilitator,the pay is pathetic but somehow i do enjoy myself with the students.the smiles and the thank you from the students really warms my heart.explaining to students over and over again to ensure that they understand the question is also something which gives mi satisfaction and i feel happy when i see my students enjoyed themselves with me.in fact this job is paying like peanuts and i can simply forget about it and get something better.but oh well,its really the passion that keep me going.

hmm...hopefully in future i'll be able to find a job that pays alright and gives me satisfaction.only then,people around me will be happy and i'll be happy doing that job too.but well,who knows...perhaps one day,my wife wouldn't mind going through shit with me so long as im happy.but then again,i hope that day won't come...i cant be selfish and i want everyone else to be happy.

next...im freaking frustrated cause my granny's giving us alot of problem.and im like the one taking the most shit out of everyone cause im like the one that's home most of the time.and i'm taking all of it alone!!!i really cannot take this sometimes and i feel bad having to raise my voice at her.but then,her illness is making her going crazy!!!and im going crazy cause she keeps bugging me for nothing!arghx...i want to go back to hall where i can escape from everything.but then again,i just can't do it cause they won't be anyone at home to look after her.And if something happens to her,i'll be dead guilty man!well...no one understands how i feel right now for sure cause you're not the one facing all this.and i feel frustrated with myself if i have to be disrespectful to my granny.and with this,it bothers me even more when all these adults are just all words but no action and im the freaking idiot that's covering their asses now every morning till afternoon when mum comes back.and i have to freaking take care of the 3 little children whereby 2 of their results suck BIG TIME!!!i do want some time and life for myself and i still have to juggle between all the atc planning and work that i've on hand.

***why do you do your best???***

going for JB trip tml with my sheepchaser gang...i need MONEY!!!hahaha...where's my IT show pay!!!arghx...

♥Oh, so vintage... 9:37 PM

Monday, May 21, 2007

last week was quite eventful.met guoliang from the elements company and i was very impressed by his working style.hopefully i can go under his company and learn some stuff from him.anywayz,with him around,i believe ATC will be fine this time round.The elements that he proposed to setup for us is pretty interesting and i really wish to play with it real soon.

tues was down @ esplanade for my trail facilitator assignment.was assigned to a sec 2 academic class and the students were great.really had alot of fun despite the lousy pay.it was the satisfaction that i get that kept me going.well,something happened at esplanade itself.some students from another sch fought near my station and i just went in to stop the 2 of them from the fight.one of them broke his nose and the police was involved.i just dun understand what's going on in their mind when they actually fought in public.on top of that,there's students that verbal abuse teachers that were not from their own sch.i mean wat's wrong with these students nowadays.ridiculous...in future,please look after ur children and communicate well with them.dun not let them hang around with bad company man.

wed was down for my dive refresher with the usual few.practice max peak bouyancy thingy,hovering and some basic open water diver stuff.then went to prata house for 'dinner cum supper'

fri was out for another trail assignment and saw lionel working too.didn't expect the world to be so small.even my tutorial mate weijie was there.damn qiao.this time round,i went to a secondary sch in the west and i saw how the teachers handle the student.it was pretty out of the world when i saw one of the student made to wear only their sch shirt with his boxers only.he was walking around with his sch uniform(top) and boxers bottom.2 students were made to sing marikita at a distance away from this male teacher untill wat he thinks is satisfactory.other than that,the trail facilitators for this sch were pretty alright.the trail was easy to handle and i partnered lionel for this.the teacher in charge was very friendly and the students were also very appreciative.basically...i enjoyed myself for this trail too.after which,i rushed home to prepare for my dive trip.

*dive trip details will be posted another day with pics*

♥Oh, so vintage... 11:26 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

back from diving with new perspectives and opinions.freaking tired but i would say i did enjoy myself not only diving but the nua session and that 'drinking' session.i hope u guys enjoy it too.i shall drown myself with dreams due to the lack of sleep!will update more tml on recent happenings....

*suffers from nitrogen narcosis on land too...zonk out.

♥Oh, so vintage... 11:11 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

dying of fatigue.insufficient sleep and so many things to complete.i must fully utilise my holidays.anywayz,things have been going on pretty well.i hope everyone's having a great day too.gotta go for trail facilitating tml liaoz.haizz...haven been doing it for sometime and i hope i can still live up to my standards.or at least to the standard that esther was impressed the very first time i took up the assignment. guess wont have much time to blog for the next few days or might have to wait till next week.its getting busier as days pass for this entire week.

hope you'll have a great day at work k?everything will be fine and everyday will be a better day!jiayou...

*zonk out*

♥Oh, so vintage... 10:31 PM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

went for jog today despite suffering from the whole body aches due to the beach volleyball session the day before.jogged from my place to Upper and lower Pierce Reservoir early in the morning.it was a great jog though i almost stopped due to some pain somewhere.haha.it was damn tiring also since i woke up early for the jog.on top of that, the slopes leading to the reservoir was a killer.but i seriously enjoyed the part whereby i jogged in cause it was pretty quiet and back to nature kind of thing.Tall trees by my side giving me shades and monkeys on the road.So peaceful...and as i was running,i could still remember those times back in CJ odac when we visited the place.When i reached upper pierce reservoir,i could still remember the adventure camp that i've planned for and reached support from everyone.I remembered the night whereby we camp by the reservoir,under the starry skies.it was one of those beautiful memories that i still keep within my mind.omg...will i be able to enjoy such sights again?ran all the way out from the reservoir and went to eat prata like wat we'll always do.

one of the few slopes

another one of the few slopes

within the reservoir area.far end =SICC

one of the nice spots ard.

sit here and read a book...relac one corner

never ending road....and it goes on and on

my fav grassland.i still remember that nite!!!

remember the ODAC we formed rite here?

peaceful...nature???this place makes me calm!

went for atc programmers meeting in the afternoon in town.come to think of it,i haven really had a good chance to take my time and stroll down the entire stretch.who wants to go town and walk around???ask me!!!ask me!!!well,it seems that people do get troubled at times and need an outlet to voice out.if anyone ever needs a listening ear,i'll be around.i'm glad you called and asked me man.seriously,i din ever expect you to think that much when i'm like the one always letting it all out in front of you.well,no matter wat,i believe we shouldn't think too much lahz!it just makes one feel worse and i hope you won't cause you're the one always there to talk me out.hahaha...dun make me laugh at you can?stay strong cause you're still my pillar of support hor.if you collaspe wat will happen to me!!!hahaha...and yupz,my hotline is always open lahz!

overload of information within 1 day man.i really dunno wat to say when i heard what you said and i'm freaking irritated.so here you go,this goes out to all the girls out there.I know guys are kind of 'fan jian' most of the time.but sometimes when a guy likes you and do alot of things for you,please do not take it for granted and think that we owe you a living k?you may think its natural for guys to be nice to girls they like.this i wouldn't deny but then it's damn frustrating when they take it for granted.

and well,its a good thing you've come to ur senses and swam back to shore.i'm happy for you cause i believe it's not worth it.it's her loss for playing so hard to get and treating u like a slave.good job.

i just come to know that another good friend of mine broke up with her bf not long.i'm quite surprised cause i'm like 3 mths late.omg...what have i been doing man?and to think that this good friend of mine is also a childhood friend.I haven't been giving them enough attention?i'm happy that you've gotten over it and i'm proud of you to initiate it since you know its going nowhere.well,hope you'll find someone ur type soon bah!

hmmm...im starting to feel damn sianz staying home.i should start working but i haven really find anything that pays enough for me to forgo my freedom.and i'm desperate to the state that im going back to work as trail facil at such a cheap labour rate.arghx...amazing shit!perhaps i should go back to doing camps?or should i just go and help my uncle...be a 8-5 assistant engineer doing idiotic office work and sometimes going to construction with banglahs to fix light and carry stuff?i value my freedom more than work man!!!seriously.ATC coming soon!!!more meetings during this period to settle everything.arghx...and we freakin have meeting on mon which i might be going down to sentosa to join my fren and his group of NUS mates to play touch rugby.i'm looking forward to my dive trip this coming fri man!!!can't wait...i just wanna get myself back before the holidays end.oh gosh...please give me the strength to carry on.

*where's my mermaid and nemo???*

♥Oh, so vintage... 11:51 PM

Friday, May 11, 2007

sentosa was great today.met guanyou joseph and zj for some beach vball today!initially the sun wasn't really great until mid way through the afternoon.we went to siloso beach where there's like only 2 courts and amazingly,there wasn't really anyone around except for 1 bunch of girls as well as another grp of army guys.There's 1/2 eye candies within that bunch of girls but then we weren't really into playing with them too.Personally was in the mood to play some good vball since we seldom get to dominate the courts by ourself and it was gr8 cos we were playing 2v2 which is much more interesting as well as tiring.it kinda gives us more flexibility in training ourselves running around and taking up various roles during the game play.I'm seriously glad we didn't played with them cause they can't really play for nuts.VASES.so those lonely army guys approach them and played with them.ahahaha...now i understand why army guys are also associated to despos.but HEY...i wasn't like that.hahaha

the sun came out and i had a nice tan with my singlet on.good job.and that's because of the tummy man.gosh...gotta train UP!WORK HARD!!!then we also played 4v4 with this group of xinmin players.2girls and 2 guys.they're kinda training for their ripcurl match tml but i doubt they'll be able to go far.the girls were pretty consistent but their attacking is only like 1 way entry and its not strong attacks.

after the entire day of games,im super tired right now.and mid way thru the games,i couldn't really jump anymore due to cramps.i think my legs are quite weak and i seriously need to train them more.i wanna jump higher and last longer.though im still like suffering from the aches,im gonna go for long jog tml!i need to downsize myself!

diana:no one tell mi not going then in the end still go club one lolz!hahaha.well...at least u did called and you sound pretty sian.hahaha.next time we go together again lahz!and well,we can also go dinner with zj another time.paiseh couldn't make it today cos i already promised to go home for dinner!!!HAHA.

To my dearest CO:
take good care in taiwan hor.im so sure you're gonna miss mi like crazy but then dun wry!once u come back we'll meet up more often!hahaha.dun forget to get ur co goodies from taiwan okie?we're gonna rock SU14 big time...*cant wait*


♥Oh, so vintage... 9:38 PM

Thursday, May 10, 2007

introducing my beloved 4th and 5th batch CJC ODAC *mostly my seniors from 4th*

*Gunung Baru...the Mountain that I almost lost my life to*

i like this PIC alot.how cool...

♥Oh, so vintage... 11:01 PM

fyi.i've kinda shifted back to hall to stay cause its the only place i can really slow down and do things at my own comfort level.i realised i have so much time to think about things and stuff and some of my friends actually advise me not to think too much.Thanks for the advice and but somehow,i still need to think.*please forgive me if i actually gave you guys problem when i think too much.*so how,if you realised,only when there's problems then you'll find more opportunities for yourself.Its definitely dependant on how you view it.Hope i can work on this new philosophy man.

been busy trying to go for interviews and sending in resumes for assignments.besides that,i was busy going out catching up with friends.im really happy this week and i seriously had lotsa fun.Went to JB with the Blk 39 gang on Monday.8 of us went to Pelangi Plaza to K then went to some place for good food.After which went back to City Square for some shopping and Secret Receipe.We tried smuggling some chewing gum back and zihao got caught.He was damn calm and steady when he got caught.He wave goodbye to us as he was directed to another room.hahaha...well,end up nothing much happened except that he was given a warning.went to meet pam and pass her stuff and caught a glimpse of her bike.NICE and i think its looks good for ladies and its pretty cheap as compared to the scott bikes i've seen.great buy girl!!!hmmm...as for ur skates,give mi some time kz?ahahah

then tues was back for atc meeting which was like a waste of time since we didn't accomplish much.then kenneth came over to my room to talk cock and wait for me before we proceed to town.on the train we were like chatting about anything under the sun until we realised that we've been putting in too much to plan things for other complete strangers and we didn't really plan stuff for our frens and people close to us.We haven't been putting in effort for people around us and at that moment,i felt really guilty.Perhaps its time to plan something for MYSELF then my close friends and complete strangers will come last.Please give me sometime and i'll think of something kz.Be patient.In town,was wondering around for my mizuno shoes but didn't really find anything good enough.Then caught Spiderman 3!!!the effects were pretty good but then like what most would say,it ain't as good as compared to spidey 1 and 2.But there were moments that were pretty mind boggling!and i guess what lai said was right.What's with spiderman and the America flag man!!!like complete no LINK!!!fish and co for dinners and it was gr8.watching ppl celebrating their birthdays and cheering over dinner.its was a busy day and it ended off gr8.

Met my usual gang for sushi buffet @Wheelock.We were damn fierce can.Ate like no body's business and we were like trying to be mean customers to the waitresses.Well,i didn't really make things difficult for them i must say.It's HAZEL only...ahahaha...she freaking wanna complain to the manager in a jokingly manner.But well,the service there ain't that good also.and the sushi like cannot make it also.its sucha sinful day cause i haven't been working out and keep stuffin myself with tonnes of food.GOSH...gave up the idea of going mambo and tertiary fling on thurs cause i'm not in the mood to club already.plus im going to SENTOSA tml for beach vball.cant afford to go there in a seh seh look cause i wanna play some good vball tml!HAHAHA...hopefully i wont get pangseh tml lahz.i realised i don't have much weekend left.i dun even have time to work and i have to turn down a couple of assignments man!SADsz...

currently im trying to reformat my com and going thru the fotos that i wanna develop.there's so many of them.probably will share a couple of nice fotos with you guys soon...ahahaha...check it out.


♥Oh, so vintage... 10:27 PM

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

everything's in a mess...all i need is time to get myself enlighten.only then,actions will take place.Let's hope it'll be over soon.

♥Oh, so vintage... 12:21 AM

Saturday, May 05, 2007

i didn't really do anything today.woke up early and wanted to go for a jog but end up going back to sleep.something happened at home and i felt super frustrated.in fact,this happens almost everyday and im getting quite sick and tired of it liaoz.i know its my attitude and i shall just avoid so that it wont escalate to a big hooha.and so,im planning to shift back to hall.its damn boring in hall but then again,i think it would be the best place i can find now since i need time for myself.hopefully it will be as peaceful as i think it will be.

as usual,spent the entire morning and afternoon catching up on my animes and drama series.then went for a jog despite the fact that i still cant really move.the slow jog lasted 1hr 15mins and when i was about to finish,my toe and ankle finally played me out.sudden sharp pain lolz!n i think i should be going to the sinseh tml to check it out.well,the satisfying thing that i gained from the run is that i finally got to see the plot of land growing!!!a garden within a park.took a short walk around it and it reminds me of the days when i was a gardener in primary school.my fav science teacher ms ong taught me alot of stuff and im like one of her favourite pupil!she always treat me so nice and give mi angbao during CNY!!!hahaha...those were the days...i even joined science club which is under her and ms yip!so here you go...

this morning,i realised my passport went missing.but luckily my mum kept it.she really stunned me lahz cos i remember she didn't return it to me when we went for the checkup that has to be submitted to the Australian authorities.or mayb she didn't even intend to let me leave sg.to think that she actually called dad today to spoke to me over the fone to make me change my mind to drop the idea of going jb on mon and going for diving next next week.please lo,if you noe me well enough,you should noe that once i made up my mind,i wont give in one.pleaseee...just let me go.i know its dangerous especially diving.but then again,im no longer a kid and i know how to take care of myself.i wont fool around with my own life too.

the beach vball world tour will be in SINGAPORE!!!YEA!!!highness...but then again,i guess i can only go for the preliminaries on the 24th only.cos 25-27 i have ATC dry run and Bike rally event to handle.but i should be glad that i still have 1 entire day to enjoy the matches.CANT WAIT!!!

charmain:please take good care of yourself!!!drink more water!!!
cheryl:i jio you come my house watch drama with me you steadyboh...dun say boh jio!
bel:dun stress lahz.its almost over and you can start work soon though i noe you still wanna further ur studies.all the best in watever you do man!goes out to zhen zhen also!we shall go salsa sometime soon yeah!hahaha...
diana:dun stress...haven receive any letter doesn't mean that they dun wan you.probably its on the way liaoz!and all the best for ur interview at NUS on mon yeah!hope you can come to NTU and join me,ahling,han,kendra and wenyee!but no matter wat,DUN COME ENGINE!!!

sourcing for my new court shoes now and if anyone happen to have any lobang for asics and mizuno can tell me?im planning to help my hall vball peeps get them too!!!

*sometimes i really wonder why....???*

♥Oh, so vintage... 11:34 PM

its sucha tiring day.finally had a good rest last night and the headache was gone.helped taijie to shift out and we went for lunch at sin ming.ate ba kut teh and i came up with my theories of how come that stall is so famous for its bah kut teh using marketing terms.damn lame but well,its certainly a way to entertain.gotta thank taijie for giving me a ride home too.

came home and nua all the way.aching all over still and its till the extent that i really cannot take it and just drop dead on my bed.and i seriously think i need to do something to my poor ankle and toe man!hahaha.and im gonna start training tml.a long run tml will be good...suppose to hit the beach this weekend but too bad the vballers ain't free.probably have to go alone bah.i really wanna go and play some serious beach vball this week.any takers???im not gonna waste time already since i have so much things to complete within the 3 mths.start looking for my pair of new court shoes liaoz.i need them and i wanna train even harder for vball.i need strength and i need more experience.not forgetting training up myself for tougher expeditions and most importantly IPPT!!!i wan my money!!!hahaha...shall sleep in earli.wake up early for the run!!!

♥Oh, so vintage... 12:24 AM

Friday, May 04, 2007

arghx...finally have sometime today to blog abit here and there.today's a rather hectic day as it was pretty packed from morning till night.in fact,im just back from the drinking session at 37.didn't really drink much as compared to last night.im aching all over.

slept like abt 3 hours before being woken up by all those piling and drilling works.extremely pissed and i decided that i should try and come back hall to take a nap.but it didn't end up as planned.went to meet taijie to buy the stuff for the vball bbq in hall.then end up at his house preparing the food stuff and helping him to add some final touches to the birthday cakes.by the time we were ready,it almost time for our vball game in school.played a couple of games today only for the simple reason i still have a match at 8pm!we also invited leslie's sis and her fren to join us for our game today.in fact these 2 girls will be coming over to hall 7 next sem.quite surprised Wendy can still remember me cos i played with her once only during a local competition.

after a couple of games,i rushed down to jurong west sports hall for our match against Chong Pang CSC.We started off much better than the previous match.it was a close first set and we lost it.then since they decided that we should let everyone get a chance to play,the change for the second set kinda screwed everything up.but then again,im glad they did just that to be fair for everyone.I was quite satisfied with my performance today except for a couple of screw ups.nowadays i have more confidence attacking with the ball near the net than wat i used to do.this could also be due to the fact that i've been able to jump higher than before.happy yet afraid.when i came back to hall,i felt a weird sensation or pain kinda thingy at both knee caps.im really afraid that vball will screw my knee caps big time even though i experience pain only when i come back from long expeditions.im still young and i have so many more mountains i wanna go visit.i cant afford to have a screw up knee caps which will always give mi problems for long expeditions.and i cant bear to stop playing vball.i believe my csc team will be stronger next year and it applies to our hall team since we're like playing quite frequently.I wanna improve and i hope i'll be able to join the amkss coach to learn some stuff.

back to the match.we lost the sec set badly but im glad we did.the opponents were not strong but we were worse and that's y we lost.i hope the guys realised what's wrong and come back stronger next year.in fact from wat i see is that they didn't even improve from last last year except for chinjie.i also feel shiok today cause im a threat to the oppponent that they used 2 blockers on me.well,they did block off 1 shot but then again,i did managed to put in a few balls into empty spaces to score.saw my referree assistant eye candy as well as the beach vball eye candy!!!i also realised that one of the player that i really respect alot shares the same jersey no 1 as me though im holding onto jersey no 9.this year my lucky no is 1 and 9 lahz!hahaha.in fact,my favourite nos.

rush back from the game for vball bbq.had fun and celebrated cherryn's bday too.then went over to have some stupid drinking game and playing 007 bang game.oh well,im lucky that most of the time im pretty alert and focus such that they didn't managed to make me eat those sucky stuff that they prepared.welll...im feeling shag already.need to catch some sleep before i really collaspe and die man.

*zonk out to lala land*

♥Oh, so vintage... 2:09 AM

Thursday, May 03, 2007

yeah.just came back from mambo nite and i freaking dun feel good at all.despite meeting up with old frenz,i felt like im so weak.i cant believe that i keep complaining to my frens how much i hate NTU.i finally said everything out after some drinks which made me super high.right now,im still feeling high man.it was a night of full of drinks and nothing else.yuzheng was there for me listening to all my shit and i was glad to see jacq ard as well as nicole.

personally,though i told yuzheng some shit,i still didn't feel good.there was so much more within and i really hope i have the time to say everything out.it was really nice meeting aviel and clive as well as the FASS gang.im glad my co was around too though i didn't really talk to her.though i was abit seh already,was like trying to keep myself sober to take care of the rest.i really drowned myself this time round and i freaking wish there will be no more such cases.im having 2 matches today and i noe i shouldn't have drank that much.im sucha toot.and thx for telling me only on the cab.why didn't u guys tell me earlier?thx ahz...well...come to think of it,wat can i do even if you let me noe earlier?i just hope u guys knew more and tell me more.but then again,wat's the point of making myself miserable.to hell with it and i shall just live on with it.this is something out of my control.tml shall have another session with the vballers in hall.shall try and finish my drinks if possible bah!

seeya guys soon and its definitely a night i would forget.a night whereby i finally opened up...

♥Oh, so vintage... 5:18 AM

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

as mentioned in the previous post,i went to sentosa today.renewed my islander membership at the same time.was down to siloso beach to play so beach vball and get soaked under the sun.it wasn't long that i kind of strained my weak ankle once again.sianz...then we went to the courts and had a proper game which wasn't really proper at all.shouldn't have lost it.but well,its all over and i couldn't really take it anymore due to the fatigue cause i haven been sleeping at least 7 hours a day even after exams.in fact always less than 6hours and im out the entire day!how shag can it get man.it wasn't really satisfying today for the simple reason didn't really play well and my beach eye candy wasn't around.SADz...but the only satisfying thing i did was the spike which went out lahz!hahaha.it was set near the net and i jumped and brought it down with 1 blocker but too bad didn't managed to get it on the line.i met those guys that i've lost during the CSC match today too.besides,i managed to catch edwin pang playing vball today.his in the nationals team for sg beach vball lolz!but well,didn't really have a good impression of him lahz!ahhaah.wat kinda attitude is that man?anywayz,i left sentosa damn early and went down to vivo to return the gcards for my sales.then decided to pop by the hawker center for a bowl of beef brisket noodles.its really damn damn nice.hahaha...

im really glad i've met some of u my friends.thx for showing concern and im touched.yes...im very frustrated lately.probably those after exam kinda stress syndrome.coming back home ain't a very good idea and i'm beginning to waste my time doing things slowly.where's the drive and all.for all you ppl out there having holidays,remember not to squander away this good 3 mths yeah!there's so many things i wanna do!!!arghx...
*i dun wanna fall sick at this time*

jelly beanies...most of it taste fine but i still prefer the ones i bought at SAC!!!

♥Oh, so vintage... 10:31 PM

feeling lousy right now.probably its due to my expectations and they're really demoralising me.arghx...shall just cut the crap and work hard.i should do my best and work towards wat i wan rather than just stone and wait for things to happen.talk is cheap and i'll show you with my actions man!

anywayz,i cut my hair today!it's a pretty weird experience for the simple fact that i was surrounded by aunties when they were cutting my hair.went to the kimage school of hairdressing with kenneth today.apparently,my simple army haircut seems to be something uncommon for them to handle and the trainees were CROWDING ard me to check it out man.this time round i din dye my hair but i will do it next month.im so excited!ahaha.

im finally going to sentosa tml!omg.i cant believe this.haven been going there for quite some time liaoz.going there for a simple picnic session and probably be vball-ing and frisbee-ing under the sun.im getting real tired now and i freaking gotta wake up earlier to prepared some food for the picnic.arghx...i needa sleep!!!im falling sick...arghx...and i hope it wont affect my schedule for the next 2 weeks!pray for me....

*zonk out*

♥Oh, so vintage... 12:32 AM

Man of the Year

Meng Heng
29th Nov 85
loves trekking and traveling around
Current Commitments includes:
(1) Sports and Adventure Secretary *tgyec*
(2)NTU sports Club Sports Unlimited 15 CGL
(3)NTU Hall 7 FOC GL
(4)Hall 7 volleyball capt
(5)Teck Ghee Adventure Club com.(aka Rose of Jericho)

Dreams about

The Ideal One n Only
Being Successful in life
The Dream House

Thank You

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